Tracking 28794 objects as of 20-Apr-2024
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Exact matches only. The International designator is an internationally agreed-upon naming convention for satellites. The designator contains the launch year, the launch number of the year and the part of the launch, i.e., "A" indicates payload, "B" the rocket booster, or second payload, etc.
e.g. enter 1990-037B for Hubble Space Telescope


Exact matches only. The Satellite Catalog Number (also known as NORAD Catalog Number, NASA catalog number, USSPACECOM object number or simply Catalog number and similar variants) is a sequential 5-digit number assigned by USSPACECOM to all Earth orbiting satellites in order of identification. Before USSPACECOM, the catalog was maintained by NORAD. The first catalogued object, catalog number 00001, is the Sputnik 1 launch vehicle. (Wikipedia)
e.g. enter 28485 for Swift


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc
At least 3 characters. The satellite name is not always the common (or popular) name. For example, the well known Hubble Space Telescope is actually officially named HST.
Up to 100 results are returned.
e.g. enter oscar for OSCAR satellites


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc

Browse by satellite launch date

Range between October 4, 1957 (when Sputnik was launched) and current date. This represents the date when satellite was placed on orbit.
Up to 100 results are returned.


648 match(es)
Name NORAD ID Int'l Code Launch date
Status Action
NOAA 2 (ITOS-D) 6235 1972-082A 1972-10-15 IN ORBIT
NOAA 4 7529 1974-089A 1974-11-15 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41373 2000-055JS 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42344 2000-055QL 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41135 2000-055BS 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41359 2000-055JC 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48174 2002-032Q 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41078 2000-055AM 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41266 2000-055FS 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48727 2002-032BM 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41046 2000-055D 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41535 2000-055NK 2000-09-21 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 17 DEB 48611 2002-032AD 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41209 2000-055DN 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41664 2000-055PD 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 49479 2002-032DH 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 38555 2002-032B 2002-06-24 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 16 DEB 41344 2000-055HM 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42408 2000-055TC 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 9 DEB 15441 1984-123C 1984-12-12 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 16 DEB 41255 2000-055FF 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42376 2000-055RU 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42363 2000-055RF 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41141 2000-055BY 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41514 2000-055MN 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 20 (JPSS 1) 43013 2017-073A 2017-11-18 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41097 2000-055BG 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41298 2000-055HA 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48746 2002-032CG 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41065 2000-055Y 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41506 2000-055ME 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48714 2002-032AY 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41215 2000-055DU 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41662 2000-055PB 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48754 2002-032CQ 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41301 2000-055HD 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42427 2000-055TX 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 12 21263 1991-032A 1991-05-14 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41432 2000-055LM 2000-09-21 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 16 DEB 42395 2000-055SP 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 8 DEB 13924 1983-022B 1983-03-28 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 16 DEB 41271 2000-055FX 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA B 11819 1980-043A 1980-05-29 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 16 DEB 41272 2000-055FY 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42350 2000-055QS 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41159 2000-055CS 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41284 2000-055GL 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48180 2002-032W 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41084 2000-055AT 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41420 2000-055KZ 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48733 2002-032BT 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41052 2000-055K 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41424 2000-055LD 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48617 2002-032AK 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41203 2000-055DG 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41656 2000-055NV 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 49485 2002-032DP 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41513 2000-055MM 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42414 2000-055TJ 2000-09-21 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 10 DEB 26303 1986-073D 1986-09-17 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 16 DEB 41246 2000-055EW 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42382 2000-055SA 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41147 2000-055CE 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41296 2000-055GY 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42337 2000-055QD 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41151 2000-055CJ 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41421 2000-055LA 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48166 2002-032G 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41071 2000-055AE 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41297 2000-055GZ 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48720 2002-032BE 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41205 2000-055DJ 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41524 2000-055MY 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48760 2002-032CW 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41227 2000-055EG 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41709 2000-055PP 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 14 DEB 23457 1994-089B 1994-12-30 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 16 DEB 41349 2000-055HS 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42401 2000-055SV 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 8 DEB 16444 1983-022F 1983-03-28 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 16 DEB 41265 2000-055FR 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42369 2000-055RM 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 7 DEB 22727 1981-059D 1981-06-23 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 16 DEB 41518 2000-055MS 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42356 2000-055QY 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41139 2000-055BW 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41407 2000-055KL 2000-09-21 DECAYED Unable to track
NOAA 17 DEB 48186 2002-032AC 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41090 2000-055AZ 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41509 2000-055MH 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48739 2002-032BZ 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41058 2000-055R 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41404 2000-055KH 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 48707 2002-032AR 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41228 2000-055EH 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41659 2000-055NY 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 17 DEB 49491 2002-032DV 2002-06-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41366 2000-055JK 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42420 2000-055TQ 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 11 DEB 37242 1988-089E 1988-09-24 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 41528 2000-055NC 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT
NOAA 16 DEB 42388 2000-055SG 2000-09-21 IN ORBIT

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