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Track OSCAR 16 (PACSAT) now!
10-day predictions
OSCAR 16 (PACSAT) is classified as:

NORAD ID: 20439
Int'l Code: 1990-005D
Perigee: 779.0 km
Apogee: 795.9 km
Inclination: 98.9 °
Period: 100.5 minutes
Semi major axis: 7158 km
RCS: 0.1139 m2 (medium)
Launch date: January 22, 1990
Source: United States (US)

Uplink (MHz): 145.920
Downlink (MHz): 437.026
Beacon (MHz):
Mode: FM USB
Call sign:
Status: Inactive

Uplink (MHz): 145.920
Downlink (MHz): 437.026
Beacon (MHz): 2401.143
Mode: 1200bps JAS
Call sign: PACSAT-11 12
Status: Inactive

Uplink (MHz): 145.920
Downlink (MHz): 437.026
Beacon (MHz):
Mode: FM USB
Call sign:
Status: Inactive

Uplink (MHz): 145.920
Downlink (MHz): 437.026
Beacon (MHz): 2401.143
Mode: 1200bps JAS
Call sign: PACSAT-11 12
Status: Inactive

AO-16 has been reconfigured to provide Radio Amateurs with a novel FM to SSB satellite transponder. The satellite was launched 18 years ago on 22nd January 1990 and it is testimony to the high standards of Amateur Radio satellite design and construction that it is still operating after all these years. Commercial Low-Earth orbit satellites typically have a lifetime of just a few years. The long lifetime of Amateur Satellites is one reason why the Amateur Satellite Service needs the assurance of access to low-noise floor spectrum for several decades after a satellite is launched. None of the Amateur Satellite Service allocations between 435 MHz and 24 GHz are Primary and the existing secondary allocations have seen significant increases in the noise floor or sell-offs to other users, which jeopardises missions.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 20439U 90005D   24208.79473560  .00000306  00000-0  12770-3 0  9998
2 20439  98.9000 215.0296 0011835  95.5434  79.5285 14.33422392803256
Source of the keplerian elements: AMSAT