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Track EYESAT-1 now!
10-day predictions
EYESAT-1 is classified as:

NORAD ID: 22825
Int'l Code: 1993-061C
Perigee: 790.6 km
Apogee: 803.2 km
Inclination: 98.8 °
Period: 100.7 minutes
Semi major axis: 7167 km
RCS: 0.1804 m2 (medium)
Launch date: September 26, 1993
Source: South Korea (SKOR)

Uplink (MHz): 145.850
Downlink (MHz): 436.795
Beacon (MHz):
Mode: 1200bps AFSK FM
Call sign:
Status: Active

EYESAT-1 (AO-27) is an amateur satellite constructed by the Amateur Radio Research and Development Corporation (AMRAD) at the facilities of Interferometrics in McLean, Virginia. It was originally designed as a commercial satellite known as EYESAT-1 but its completion was halted part way through the project. An agreement was made for AMRAD to finish the construction of the satellite and add an amateur satellite transponder. AO-27 is an “FM Repeater” in space. It essentially consists of a crystal controlled FM receiver operation at 145.850 MHz and a crystal controlled FM transmitter operating at approximately 436.795 MHz. Output power of the transmitter can be set to over 1 watt (rarely used), 0.5 watts (normal operation), or under 0.1 watts (exciter only). The uplink antenna is the linear polarized whip on the top face of the spacecraft and is shared with the commercial payload’s receivers. The downlink antenna is a 1/4 wave whip mounted on the bottom face of the spacecraft. Polarization is nominally linear, the rotation and revolution of the spacecraft and propagation effects will cause the actual signal polarization at a ground station to vary widely during a pass.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 22825U 93061C   24261.72314887  .00000825  00000-0  33348-3 0  9992
2 22825  98.7792 315.4255 0008807 161.5425 198.6078 14.30586782615842
Source of the keplerian elements: Caltech