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Track GOSAT (IBUKI) now!
10-day predictions
GOSAT (IBUKI) is classified as:

NORAD ID: 33492
Int'l Code: 2009-002A
Perigee: 675.3 km
Apogee: 676.7 km
Inclination: 98.1 °
Period: 98.1 minutes
Semi major axis: 7047 km
RCS: 4.88 m2 (large)
Launch date: January 23, 2009
Source: Japan (JPN)

The Ibuki (GOSAT) satellite is equipped with a greenhouse gas observation sensor (TANSO-FTS) and a cloud/aerosol sensor (TANSO-CAI) that supplements TANSO-FTS. The greenhouse gas observation sensor of Ibuki observes a wide range of wave lengths (near infrared region - thermal infrared region) within the infrared band to enhance observation accuracy. The number of observation channels is as large as approx 18,500. A cloud/aerosol sensor observes clouds and aerosol that can be a factor leading to errors in the measurement of greenhouse gas in order to improve greenhouse gas observation accuracy. The satellite will observe infrared rays radiated from the sun and reflected from the ground surface and the spectrum of infrared rays radiated from ground surface or the atmosphere itself. As they pass through a gas infrared rays are absorbed only by specific colours, which means components with a specific wave length are revealed. Ibuki calculates the concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere utilizing this principle.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 33492U 09002A   25019.86627560  .00002118  00000-0  38178-3 0  9991
2 33492  98.0515 133.5457 0001021  98.8343 261.2977 14.67554412856639
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC