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EUTE 3C (HB 10)

Track EUTE 3C (HB 10) now!
EUTE 3C (HB 10) is classified as:

NORAD ID: 33750
Int'l Code: 2009-008B
Perigee: 36,147.3 km
Apogee: 36,193.4 km
Inclination: 1.3 °
Period: 1,455.4 minutes
Semi major axis: 42541 km
RCS: 2 m2 (large)
Launch date: February 12, 2009
Source: European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTE)

Hot Bird 10 is a direct-to-home TV satellite for Europe. Eutelsat plans to temporarily park Hot Bird 10 in geostationary orbit at 7 degrees West longitude where it will replace the decade-old Atlantic Bird 4 spacecraft for broadcasting TV programs to the Middle East. Eventually, Hot Bird 10 will be moved to its intended position at 13 degrees East longitude, joining identical sister-satellites Hot Birds 8 and 9 to beam nearly 1,100 television channels and 600 radio stations to 120 million homes across Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The advanced spacecraft have increased the number of digital and high-definition TV offerings.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 33750U 09008B   25014.43466289 -.00000004  00000-0  00000-0 0  9994
2 33750   1.3425  86.8379 0005422 230.6959 161.7823  0.98943197 58239
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC