Tracking 29494 objects as of 7-Sep-2024
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Track EUTELSAT W3B now!
EUTELSAT W3B is classified as:

NORAD ID: 37206
Int'l Code: 2010-056A
Perigee: 241.4 km
Apogee: 30,560.5 km
Inclination: 2.6 °
Period: 532.9 minutes
Semi major axis: 21771 km
RCS: 14.159 m2 (large)
Launch date: October 28, 2010
Source: European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTE)

W3B was destined for geosynchronous orbit at 16 degrees east longitude, a prime location to broadcast television and video programming to Central Europe. Eutelsat W3B has been abandoned due to a major propellant leak.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 37206U 10056A   24251.40285908  .00015880  00000-0  24515-2 0  9991
2 37206   2.5988  27.2886 6962901 111.0761 332.8721  2.70244824124359
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC