Tracking 29051 objects as of 27-Jul-2024
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Track BSAT-3B now!
BSAT-3B is classified as:

NORAD ID: 37207
Int'l Code: 2010-056B
Perigee: 35,790.8 km
Apogee: 35,798.8 km
Inclination: 0.1 °
Period: 1,436.1 minutes
Semi major axis: 42165 km
RCS: 12.5893 m2 (large)
Launch date: October 28, 2010
Source: Japan (JPN)

BSAT 3b will broadcast high-definition television to homes and businesses throughout Japan from 110 degrees east longitude. The satellite will link ground stations with 90 million HDTV terminals across the country.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 37207U 10056B   24205.97368329 -.00000351  00000-0  00000-0 0  9991
2 37207   0.0782 293.1320 0000946  45.0058  64.3976  1.00268090 45155
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC