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Track RASAT now!
10-day predictions
RASAT is classified as:

NORAD ID: 37791
Int'l Code: 2011-044D
Perigee: 665.1 km
Apogee: 694.0 km
Inclination: 98.1 °
Period: 98.2 minutes
Semi major axis: 7050 km
RCS: 0.5873 m2 (medium)
Launch date: August 17, 2011
Source: Turkey (TURK)
Launch site: Orenburg, Russia (OREN)

Uplink (MHz):
Downlink (MHz): 437.400
Beacon (MHz):
Mode: 9600bps FSK
Call sign: RASAT0-11 12
Status: Inactive

RASAT is the first Earth observation satellite designed and built in Turkey. The 205-pound (93-kg) RASAT payload features a camera capable of a peak resolution of about 25 feet (7.6 m) from the craft's 430-mile (692-km)-high orbit. Owned by the publicly-funded Space Technologies Research Institute, RASAT is designed for a three-year life in space. Its primary objectives are to advance Turkish space technology and know-how and observe natural and manmade disasters, monitor coastline changes and pollution, detect illegal settlements and urban land changes, and update existing maps.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 37791U 11044D   24208.84342654  .00001093  00000-0  20564-3 0  9992
2 37791  98.0788 299.7125 0020530 215.7713 291.7447 14.66450391691953
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC