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Track SPROUT now!
10-day predictions
SPROUT is classified as:

NORAD ID: 39770
Int'l Code: 2014-029E
Perigee: 356.5 km
Apogee: 371.0 km
Inclination: 98.0 °
Period: 91.7 minutes
Semi major axis: 6734 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: May 24, 2014
Source: Japan (JPN)

Uplink (MHz):
Downlink (MHz): 437.525
Beacon (MHz): 437.525
Mode: 1k2AFSK 9k6GMSK CW*
Call sign: JQ1ZJQ
Status: Active

Uplink (MHz): 437.600
Downlink (MHz): 437.600
Beacon (MHz):
Mode: Digipeater Digitalker SSTV
Call sign:
Status: Inactive

SPROUT is a nanosatellite demonstration mission of Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan. The prime objective is to test the deployment of a combined membrane structure (1.5m-sided triangular membrane supported with two space-inflatable tubes) and 3-axes attitude control technology. A further goal of the mission is to perform the demonstration experiment of the ADCS (Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem) of a nanosatellite with a large membrane structure by using in-house manufactured magnetic torquers and COTS sensors.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 39770U 14029E   24208.84678535  .00590550  00000-0  44349-2 0  9994
2 39770  98.0025   6.2830 0010810 286.5824  73.4249 15.70804522553822
Source of the keplerian elements: Caltech