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Track ANTELSAT now!
10-day predictions
ANTELSAT is classified as:

NORAD ID: 40034
Int'l Code: 2014-033AA
Perigee: 593.4 km
Apogee: 664.9 km
Inclination: 97.7 °
Period: 97.1 minutes
Semi major axis: 7000 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: June 19, 2014
Source: Uruguay (URY)
Launch site: Orenburg, Russia (OREN)

Uplink (MHz):
Downlink (MHz): 437.575/2403.000
Beacon (MHz): 437.280
Call sign: CX1SAT
Status: Inactive

ANTELSAT is a 2U CubeSat class satellite, which has been developed by the Uruguayan Facultad de Ingenieria de la Universidad de la Republica (FING), the State Faculty of Engineering, and the national telecom service provider ANTEL. It is the first Uruguayan satellite. The purpose of ANTELSAT is to build and operate the first satellite ever launched into orbit by Urugua and to develop skills in radio and aerospace engineering, to promote enthusiasm in STEM education at all levels, and provide challenging activities for undergraduate students. The spacecraft is planned to transmit colour and infrared images of the surface of the earth, and to provide several services to radio amateurs. The mission is purely experimental and a technology demonstrator of all the satellite subsystems, which have been custom designed locally.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 40034U 14033AA  24257.20482240  .00017665  00000-0  21618-2 0  9999
2 40034  97.7081  57.8374 0051100  14.2986 345.9660 14.82321696550911
Source of the keplerian elements: Caltech