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Track OCO 2 now!
10-day predictions
OCO 2 is classified as:

NORAD ID: 40059
Int'l Code: 2014-035A
Perigee: 708.4 km
Apogee: 710.5 km
Inclination: 98.2 °
Period: 98.8 minutes
Semi major axis: 7080 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: July 2, 2014
Source: United States (US)

OCO-2 (Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2) is an American environmental science satellite, a replacement for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory which was lost in a launch failure in 2009. The OCO-2 satellite was built by Orbital Sciences Corporation, based around the LEOStar-2 bus. The spacecraft will be used to study carbon dioxide concentrations and distributions in the atmosphere. OCO-2 was ordered after the original OCO spacecraft failed to achieve orbit. During the first satellite's launch atop a Taurus-XL in February 2009, the payload fairing failed to separate from around the spacecraft and the rocket did not have sufficient power to enter orbit with its additional mass. Although a Taurus launch was initially contracted for the reflight, the launch contract was cancelled after the same malfunction occurred on the launch of the Glory satellite two years later. OCO-2 joined the A-train satellite constellation, becoming the sixth satellite in the group. Members of the A-train fly very close together in sun-synchronous orbit, to make nearly simultaneous measurements of Earth. A particularly short launch window of 30 seconds was necessary to achieve a proper position in the train.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 40059U 14035A   24208.61438636  .00001030  00000-0  23837-3 0  9994
2 40059  98.2030 148.7990 0001472 104.3357 255.8005 14.57166586535486
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC