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Track GSAT 16 now!
GSAT 16 is classified as:

NORAD ID: 40332
Int'l Code: 2014-078A
Perigee: 35,768.2 km
Apogee: 35,819.0 km
Inclination: 0.0 °
Period: 1,436.1 minutes
Semi major axis: 42164 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: December 6, 2014
Source: India (IND)

GSAT 16 is an Indian geostationary communications satellite carried on a 12-year mission to reduce India's reliance on leased transponders aboard foreign telecom spacecraft. The 7,014-pound (3,181-kg) satellite features 12 Ku-band and 36 C-band transponders—including 12 'extended' C-band transponders. The telecom payload aboard GSAT 16 has more capacity than any communications ever built in India. Built by the Indian Space Research Organization, the spacecraft will fortify India's fleet of government-owned communications satellites to supply television and other communications services to the Indian public.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 40332U 14078A   24259.99980115  .00000077  00000-0  00000-0 0  9990
2 40332   0.0281 240.7340 0006029 227.1130 302.6119  1.00272280 35695
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC