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Track CYGFM03 now!
10-day predictions
CYGFM03 is classified as:

NORAD ID: 41891
Int'l Code: 2016-078H
Perigee: 479.7 km
Apogee: 492.9 km
Inclination: 35.0 °
Period: 94.2 minutes
Semi major axis: 6857 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: December 15, 2016
Source: United States (US)
Launch site: Pegasus launched from Eastern Range Air Space (ERAS)

CYGFM03 is one of the eight research satellites launched by a winged Orbital ATK Pegasus XL rocket to fly around the tropics and return measurements of winds at the cores of hurricanes. The wind data should help scientists better understand the formation, growth and dissipation of tropical cyclones, and lessons from the $157 million Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System may improve hurricane forecasting, particularly the strength of storms at landfall. Researchers compare the way CYGNSS works to the human eye's perception of a full moon reflected in a body of water. Calm winds will make for a perfectly resolved reflection of the moon, while windy conditions will scatter the moon's image in a glistening effect.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 41891U 16078H   24208.61144805  .00011765  00000-0  40891-3 0  9995
2 41891  34.9500  35.6002 0009634 211.0404 148.9743 15.28880027422203
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC