Tracking 29051 objects as of 27-Jul-2024
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Track TJS-2 now!
TJS-2 is classified as:

NORAD ID: 41911
Int'l Code: 2017-001A
Perigee: 35,790.0 km
Apogee: 35,799.2 km
Inclination: 0.1 °
Period: 1,436.1 minutes
Semi major axis: 42165 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: January 5, 2017
Source: People's Republic of China (PRC)
Launch site: Xichang Space Center, China (XSC)

TJS-2 is a geostationary satellite, designed to be 'No. 2 telecommunication technology test satellite', as per Chinese officials. Little is known about this spacecraft. The satellite would conduct Ka-band communications experiments in space.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 41911U 17001A   24208.45339494 -.00000008  00000-0  00000-0 0  9991
2 41911   0.1100 264.3935 0001087 193.8389  76.1478  1.00268637 27802
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC