Tracking 28790 objects as of 18-Apr-2024
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objects crossing your sky now



Exact matches only. The International designator is an internationally agreed-upon naming convention for satellites. The designator contains the launch year, the launch number of the year and the part of the launch, i.e., "A" indicates payload, "B" the rocket booster, or second payload, etc.
e.g. enter 1990-037B for Hubble Space Telescope


Exact matches only. The Satellite Catalog Number (also known as NORAD Catalog Number, NASA catalog number, USSPACECOM object number or simply Catalog number and similar variants) is a sequential 5-digit number assigned by USSPACECOM to all Earth orbiting satellites in order of identification. Before USSPACECOM, the catalog was maintained by NORAD. The first catalogued object, catalog number 00001, is the Sputnik 1 launch vehicle. (Wikipedia)
e.g. enter 28485 for Swift


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc
At least 3 characters. The satellite name is not always the common (or popular) name. For example, the well known Hubble Space Telescope is actually officially named HST.
Up to 100 results are returned.
e.g. enter oscar for OSCAR satellites


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc

Browse by satellite launch date

Range between October 4, 1957 (when Sputnik was launched) and current date. This represents the date when satellite was placed on orbit.
Up to 100 results are returned.


60 match(es)
Name NORAD ID Int'l Code Launch date
Status Action
STARLINK-1132 45044 2020-006A 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1120 45045 2020-006B 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1129 45046 2020-006C 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1131 45047 2020-006D 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1134 45048 2020-006E 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1135 45049 2020-006F 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1140 45050 2020-006G 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1141 45051 2020-006H 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1148 45052 2020-006J 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1155 45053 2020-006K 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1156 45054 2020-006L 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1157 45055 2020-006M 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1158 45056 2020-006N 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1159 45057 2020-006P 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1162 45058 2020-006Q 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1165 45059 2020-006R 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1166 45060 2020-006S 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1169 45061 2020-006T 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1171 45062 2020-006U 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1178 45063 2020-006V 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1133 45064 2020-006W 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1139 45065 2020-006X 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1145 45066 2020-006Y 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1150 45067 2020-006Z 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1161 45068 2020-006AA 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1163 45069 2020-006AB 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1164 45070 2020-006AC 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1167 45071 2020-006AD 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1168 45072 2020-006AE 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1170 45073 2020-006AF 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1172 45074 2020-006AG 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1174 45075 2020-006AH 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1180 45076 2020-006AJ 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1182 45077 2020-006AK 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1177 45078 2020-006AL 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1149 45079 2020-006AM 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1153 45080 2020-006AN 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1151 45081 2020-006AP 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1160 45082 2020-006AQ 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1190 45083 2020-006AR 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1173 45084 2020-006AS 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1179 45085 2020-006AT 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1181 45086 2020-006AU 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1185 45087 2020-006AV 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1183 45088 2020-006AW 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1136 45089 2020-006AX 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1176 45090 2020-006AY 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1127 45091 2020-006AZ 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1137 45092 2020-006BA 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1142 45093 2020-006BB 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1146 45094 2020-006BC 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1147 45095 2020-006BD 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1152 45096 2020-006BE 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1175 45097 2020-006BF 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1184 45098 2020-006BG 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1186 45099 2020-006BH 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1193 45100 2020-006BJ 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1194 45101 2020-006BK 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1195 45102 2020-006BK 2020-01-29 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1196 45103 2020-006BM 2020-01-29 IN ORBIT