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Track INTERCOSMOS 22 (BULGARIA 1300) now!
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INTERCOSMOS 22 (BULGARIA 1300) is classified as:

NORAD ID: 12645
Int'l Code: 1981-075A
Perigee: 791.9 km
Apogee: 881.0 km
Inclination: 81.2 °
Period: 101.5 minutes
Semi major axis: 7207 km
RCS: 4.833 m2 (large)
Launch date: August 7, 1981
Source: Bulgaria (BGR)

INTERKOSMOS 22, more commonly known as Bulgaria 1300, is the first artificial satellite of Bulgaria. The satellite was developed by the Bulgarian Space Agency around the "Meteor" bus, provided by the Soviet Union as part of the Interkosmos program. Assembly took place in Bulgaria, and the spacecraft was launched from Plesetsk in 13:35 local time on 7 August, 1981. During that same year the Bulgarian government organized a massive celebration to commemorate the 1300th anniversary of the country's founding. Interkosmos 22 was successfully inserted in a near-Polar orbit. The outer skin of the spacecraft, including the solar panels, is coated with a conducting material in order to allow the proper measurement of electric fields and low energy plasma. Power is provided by the two solar panels, which generate 2 kW of electricity. A rechargeable battery pack is used as an energy supply when the spacecraft is in an eclipse period. Gathered data is stored on two tape recorders, each with a capacity of 60 megabits. The main transmitter radiates 10 W in the 130-MHz band. No operational limit was planned. As of 2009, the satellite is operational and still on BSA's list of active programs, and provides data about the extreterrestrial environment over Earth's polar regions.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 12645U 81075A   25012.68426637  .00000193  00000-0  85204-4 0  9997
2 12645  81.2176   2.8262 0061805 262.6096  96.8053 14.18818181246235
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC