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NAVSTAR 62 (USA 201)

Track NAVSTAR 62 (USA 201) now!
NAVSTAR 62 (USA 201) is classified as:

NORAD ID: 32711
Int'l Code: 2008-012A
Perigee: 19,687.0 km
Apogee: 20,690.7 km
Inclination: 54.5 °
Period: 718.0 minutes
Semi major axis: 26559 km
RCS: 3.9811 m2 (large)
Launch date: March 15, 2008
Source: United States (US)
PRN: 7

The GPS 2R-19 spacecraft rode the three-stage rocket into a preliminary orbit stretching 11,000 miles at its highest point and 100 miles at its lowest, then separated from the booster 68 minutes after liftoff while flying over the western Pacific. The satellite is the sixth in a series of eight that include modernized features. The upgraded satellites transmit additional signals and are equipped with improvements aimed at greater accuracy, tougher resistance to interference and enhanced performance for users around the world.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 32711U 08012A   24208.10943989  .00000074  00000-0  00000-0 0  9995
2 32711  54.4531 177.4982 0188945 239.5617 118.5359  2.00569102119899
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC