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Track COMPASS 1 now!
10-day predictions
COMPASS 1 is classified as:

NORAD ID: 32787
Int'l Code: 2008-021E
Perigee: 519.6 km
Apogee: 526.2 km
Inclination: 97.6 °
Period: 94.9 minutes
Semi major axis: 6893 km
RCS: 0.103 m2 (medium)
Launch date: April 28, 2008
Source: Germany (GER)
Launch site: SRIHARIKOTA (SRI)

Uplink (MHz):
Downlink (MHz): 437.405
Beacon (MHz): 437.275
Mode: 1200bps AFSK CW
Call sign: DP0COM
Status: Inactive

This is a CubeSat satellite. Compass-One was designed and built by students at Aachen University of Applied Sciences in Germany. The satellite features a Morse code telemetry beacon at 437.275 MHz. Compass-1 will also provide a packet radio data downlink, which will include image data, at 437.405 MHz.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 32787U 08021E   24252.90747257  .00046498  00000-0  23626-2 0  9996
2 32787  97.6282 229.4475 0004789 264.6103  95.4583 15.16706715890400
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC