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WGS F3 (USA 211)

Track WGS F3 (USA 211) now!
WGS F3 (USA 211) is classified as:

NORAD ID: 36108
Int'l Code: 2009-068A
Perigee: 35,943.1 km
Apogee: 35,957.0 km
Inclination: 0.1 °
Period: 1,444.1 minutes
Semi major axis: 42321 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: December 6, 2009
Source: United States (US)

WGS F3 is the Air Force's third Wideband Global SATCOM communications satellite, weighing a hefty 12,800 pounds (5,800 kg). This satellite is the third in a major program to upgrade to the military's main communications infrastructure, replacing the aging Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) spacecraft. Each WGS has 10 times the capacity of a DSCS satellite, allowing users to process and receive data quicker than ever before. The satellites supply communications such as maps and data to soldiers on the battlefield, relay video from unmanned aerial reconnaissance drones, route voice calls and data messaging, and even offer quality-of-life considerations like television broadcasts and email delivery to the troops. The new WGS 3 satellite will be positioned above the Eastern Atlantic at an orbital slot of 12 degrees West longitude. Its broad reach will cover U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command, plus lend additional support over the Middle East.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 36108U 09068A   24255.60783894  .00000033  00000-0  00000-0 0  9990
2 36108   0.0931  89.4234 0001652 152.4354 216.0737  0.99716799 40154
Source of the keplerian elements: McCants