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NAVSTAR 74 (USA 262)

Track NAVSTAR 74 (USA 262) now!
NAVSTAR 74 (USA 262) is classified as:

NORAD ID: 40730
Int'l Code: 2015-033A
Perigee: 19,935.0 km
Apogee: 20,444.0 km
Inclination: 54.5 °
Period: 718.0 minutes
Semi major axis: 26560 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: July 15, 2015
Source: United States (US)
PRN: 8

NAVSTAR 74 (USA 262), also known as GPS 2F-10 will take the place of GPS 2R-11 satellite, launched in 2004 as the 50th GPS craft. The Lockheed Martin-built satellite has outlived its 7.5-year design life and will shift to a backup role within the constellation for its remaining years. The new bird will assume Plane C, Slot 3 of the network. To make way for the new addition to the constellation, the GPS 2A-26 launched aboard Delta 237 in July 1996 will be decommissioned following today's GPS 2F-10 launch.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 40730U 15033A   24264.02971622 -.00000020  00000-0  00000-0 0  9996
2 40730  54.5135 293.1813 0095819  19.7746 340.6459  2.00562093 67250
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC