Tracking 29528 objects as of 12-Sep-2024
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USA 316

Track USA 316 now!
10-day predictions

NORAD ID: 48846
Int'l Code: 2021-052A
Perigee: 581.1 km
Apogee: 583.9 km
Inclination: 55.0 °
Period: 96.2 minutes
Semi major axis: 6953 km
RCS: Unknown
Launch date: June 15, 2021
Source: United States (US)
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 48846U 21052A   24127.05498067 0.00005800  00000-0  49514-3 0    07
2 48846  55.0490 142.1073 0002000 148.1113 211.8886 14.97270570    00
Source of the keplerian elements: McCants