Tracking 28790 objects as of 19-Apr-2024
HD Live streaming from Space Station
objects crossing your sky now



Exact matches only. The International designator is an internationally agreed-upon naming convention for satellites. The designator contains the launch year, the launch number of the year and the part of the launch, i.e., "A" indicates payload, "B" the rocket booster, or second payload, etc.
e.g. enter 1990-037B for Hubble Space Telescope


Exact matches only. The Satellite Catalog Number (also known as NORAD Catalog Number, NASA catalog number, USSPACECOM object number or simply Catalog number and similar variants) is a sequential 5-digit number assigned by USSPACECOM to all Earth orbiting satellites in order of identification. Before USSPACECOM, the catalog was maintained by NORAD. The first catalogued object, catalog number 00001, is the Sputnik 1 launch vehicle. (Wikipedia)
e.g. enter 28485 for Swift


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc
At least 3 characters. The satellite name is not always the common (or popular) name. For example, the well known Hubble Space Telescope is actually officially named HST.
Up to 100 results are returned.
e.g. enter oscar for OSCAR satellites


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc

Browse by satellite launch date

Range between October 4, 1957 (when Sputnik was launched) and current date. This represents the date when satellite was placed on orbit.
Up to 100 results are returned.


60 match(es)
Name NORAD ID Int'l Code Launch date
Status Action
STARLINK-1440 45657 2020-035A 2020-06-04 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1441 45658 2020-035B 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1442 45659 2020-035C 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1443 45660 2020-035D 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1444 45661 2020-035E 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1445 45662 2020-035F 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1446 45663 2020-035G 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1447 45664 2020-035H 2020-06-04 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1448 45665 2020-035J 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1449 45666 2020-035K 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1450 45667 2020-035L 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1451 45668 2020-035M 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1452 45669 2020-035N 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1453 45670 2020-035P 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1454 45671 2020-035Q 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1455 45672 2020-035R 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1456 45673 2020-035S 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1457 45674 2020-035T 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1458 45675 2020-035U 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1460 45676 2020-035V 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1392 45677 2020-035W 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1393 45678 2020-035X 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1394 45679 2020-035Y 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1395 45680 2020-035Z 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1396 45681 2020-035AA 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1397 45682 2020-035AB 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1399 45683 2020-035AC 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1401 45684 2020-035AD 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1402 45685 2020-035AE 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1404 45686 2020-035AF 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1406 45687 2020-035AG 2020-06-04 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1408 45688 2020-035AH 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1413 45689 2020-035AJ 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1414 45690 2020-035AK 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1415 45691 2020-035AL 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1416 45692 2020-035AM 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1417 45693 2020-035AN 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1419 45694 2020-035AP 2020-06-04 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1420 45695 2020-035AQ 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1422 45696 2020-035AR 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1351 45697 2020-035AS 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1370 45698 2020-035AT 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1398 45699 2020-035AU 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1400 45700 2020-035AV 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1403 45701 2020-035AW 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1405 45702 2020-035AX 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1407 45703 2020-035AY 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1409 45704 2020-035AZ 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1410 45705 2020-035BA 2020-06-04 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1411 45706 2020-035BB 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1412 45707 2020-035BC 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1418 45708 2020-035BD 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1421 45709 2020-035BE 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1423 45710 2020-035BF 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1433 45711 2020-035BG 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1434 45712 2020-035BH 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1436 45713 2020-035BJ 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1437 45714 2020-035BK 2020-06-04 IN ORBIT
STARLINK-1438 45715 2020-035BL 2020-06-04 DECAYED Unable to track
STARLINK-1439 45716 2020-035BM 2020-06-04 DECAYED Unable to track