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NAVSTAR 60 (USA 196)

Track NAVSTAR 60 (USA 196) now!
NAVSTAR 60 (USA 196) is classified as:

NORAD ID: 32260
Int'l Code: 2007-047A
Perigee: 19,772.8 km
Apogee: 20,606.2 km
Inclination: 53.6 °
Period: 718.0 minutes
Semi major axis: 26560 km
RCS: 6.317 m2 (large)
Launch date: October 17, 2007
Source: United States (US)
PRN: 15

The $75 million satellite, officially known as GPS 2R-17, is the fourth in an ongoing series of eight with improvements designed to better the GPS network. The modernized satellites transmit additional signals and feature improvements aimed at greater accuracy, tougher resistance to interference and enhanced performance for users around the world. The new civilian signal removes navigation errors caused by the Earth's ionosphere. The military advancements will provide a more robust jam-resistant signal and enable better targeting of GPS-guided weapons in hostile environments.
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NASA's NSSDC Master Catalog

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 32260U 07047A   24208.68985586 -.00000020  00000-0  00000+0 0  9994
2 32260  53.6259 108.6132 0156903  76.1739 285.6077  2.00561900122983
Source of the keplerian elements: AFSPC