Tracking 28805 objects as of 25-Apr-2024
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objects crossing your sky now



Exact matches only. The International designator is an internationally agreed-upon naming convention for satellites. The designator contains the launch year, the launch number of the year and the part of the launch, i.e., "A" indicates payload, "B" the rocket booster, or second payload, etc.
e.g. enter 1990-037B for Hubble Space Telescope


Exact matches only. The Satellite Catalog Number (also known as NORAD Catalog Number, NASA catalog number, USSPACECOM object number or simply Catalog number and similar variants) is a sequential 5-digit number assigned by USSPACECOM to all Earth orbiting satellites in order of identification. Before USSPACECOM, the catalog was maintained by NORAD. The first catalogued object, catalog number 00001, is the Sputnik 1 launch vehicle. (Wikipedia)
e.g. enter 28485 for Swift


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc
At least 3 characters. The satellite name is not always the common (or popular) name. For example, the well known Hubble Space Telescope is actually officially named HST.
Up to 100 results are returned.
e.g. enter oscar for OSCAR satellites


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc

Browse by satellite launch date

Range between October 4, 1957 (when Sputnik was launched) and current date. This represents the date when satellite was placed on orbit.
Up to 100 results are returned.


201 match(es)
Name NORAD ID Int'l Code Launch date
Status Action
SPACEBEE-139 52177 2022-033W 2022-04-01 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-159 55101 2023-001CW 2023-01-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-7 43816 2018-099BL 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-26 46956 2020-085AD 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-45 47470 2021-006BK 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEENZ-9 48887 2021-059J 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-127 52020 2022-026N 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-153 52408 2022-047Q 2022-05-02 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-179 56969 2023-084AP 2023-06-12 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-4 43139 2018-004AE 2018-01-12 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-43 47480 2021-006BV 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-13 46310 2020-061AQ 2020-09-03 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-91 48940 2021-059BP 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-132 52185 2022-033AE 2022-04-01 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEENZ-15 52395 2022-047B 2022-05-02 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-38 46937 2020-085J 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-47 47427 2021-006Q 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEENZ-4 46939 2020-085L 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-107 48894 2021-059R 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEENZ-13 52026 2022-026U 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-152 52414 2022-047W 2022-05-02 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-163 55089 2023-001CJ 2023-01-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-37 46936 2020-085H 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-19 46303 2020-061AH 2020-09-03 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-75 48637 2021-006FD 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-118 52012 2022-026E 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-142 52401 2022-047H 2022-05-02 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-1 43142 2018-004AH 2018-01-12 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-62 47429 2021-006S 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEENZ-12 52028 2022-026W 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-92 48932 2021-059BF 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-130 52176 2022-033V 2022-04-01 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-160 55097 2023-001CS 2023-01-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-8 44371 2019-037G 2019-06-29 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-51 47444 2021-006AH 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-52 47425 2021-006N 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-102 48886 2021-059H 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEENZ-11 52019 2022-026M 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-149 52407 2022-047P 2022-05-02 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-169 56982 2023-084BC 2023-06-12 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-69 48631 2021-006EX 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-83 47707 2021-015J 2021-02-28 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-14 46311 2020-061AR 2020-09-03 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-93 48939 2021-059BN 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-133 52183 2022-033AC 2022-04-01 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-143 52394 2022-047A 2022-05-02 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-6 43818 2018-099BN 2018-12-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-11 46307 2020-061AM 2020-09-03 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-30 46949 2020-085W 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-106 48893 2021-059Q 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-112 52025 2022-026T 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-151 52413 2022-047V 2022-05-02 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-167 55087 2023-001CG 2023-01-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEENZ-3 46938 2020-085K 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-59 47428 2021-006R 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-65 48626 2021-006ES 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-126 52011 2022-026D 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-141 52400 2022-047G 2022-05-02 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-33 46944 2020-085R 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-18 46304 2020-061AJ 2020-09-03 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-35 46934 2020-085F 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-111 48904 2021-059AB 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-138 52166 2022-033K 2022-04-01 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-161 55096 2023-001CR 2023-01-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-36 46935 2020-085G 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-21 46300 2020-061AE 2020-09-03 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-42 47455 2021-006AU 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-101 48884 2021-059F 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEENZ-14 52018 2022-026L 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-148 52406 2022-047N 2022-05-02 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-170 56983 2023-084BD 2023-06-12 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-28 46948 2020-085V 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-68 48630 2021-006EW 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-53 47434 2021-006X 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-94 48937 2021-059BL 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-128 52182 2022-033AB 2022-04-01 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-157 55102 2023-001CX 2023-01-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-64 48627 2021-006ET 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-57 47465 2021-006BE 2021-01-24 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-27 46950 2020-085X 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEENZ-8 48891 2021-059N 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-113 52024 2022-026S 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-146 52412 2022-047U 2022-05-02 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-175 56985 2023-084BF 2023-06-12 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-32 46946 2020-085T 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-49 47432 2021-006V 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-98 48949 2021-059BY 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-114 52010 2022-026C 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-140 52399 2022-047F 2022-05-02 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-85 47705 2021-015G 2021-02-28 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-82 47708 2021-015K 2021-02-28 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-55 47459 2021-006AY 2021-01-24 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-110 48899 2021-059W 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-136 52164 2022-033H 2022-04-01 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-162 55095 2023-001CQ 2023-01-03 IN ORBIT
SPACEBEE-84 47706 2021-015H 2021-02-28 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-24 46952 2020-085Z 2020-11-20 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-71 48633 2021-006EZ 2021-01-24 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-100 48883 2021-059E 2021-06-30 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-115 52016 2022-026J 2022-03-15 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEENZ-21 52405 2022-047M 2022-05-02 DECAYED Unable to track
SPACEBEE-168 56984 2023-084BE 2023-06-12 IN ORBIT

There are too many results.
Only first 100 matches are returned.
Please change your search criteria to refine your search