Tracking 28790 objects as of 19-Apr-2024
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Exact matches only. The International designator is an internationally agreed-upon naming convention for satellites. The designator contains the launch year, the launch number of the year and the part of the launch, i.e., "A" indicates payload, "B" the rocket booster, or second payload, etc.
e.g. enter 1990-037B for Hubble Space Telescope


Exact matches only. The Satellite Catalog Number (also known as NORAD Catalog Number, NASA catalog number, USSPACECOM object number or simply Catalog number and similar variants) is a sequential 5-digit number assigned by USSPACECOM to all Earth orbiting satellites in order of identification. Before USSPACECOM, the catalog was maintained by NORAD. The first catalogued object, catalog number 00001, is the Sputnik 1 launch vehicle. (Wikipedia)
e.g. enter 28485 for Swift


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc
At least 3 characters. The satellite name is not always the common (or popular) name. For example, the well known Hubble Space Telescope is actually officially named HST.
Up to 100 results are returned.
e.g. enter oscar for OSCAR satellites


Include Debris, Rocket bodies etc

Browse by satellite launch date

Range between October 4, 1957 (when Sputnik was launched) and current date. This represents the date when satellite was placed on orbit.
Up to 100 results are returned.


636 match(es)
Name NORAD ID Int'l Code Launch date
Status Action
ONEWEB-0035 45143 2020-008N 2020-02-06 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0352 49216 2021-083AG 2021-09-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0628 55169 2023-004AF 2023-01-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0094 45450 2020-020AC 2020-03-21 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0387 49313 2021-090AL 2021-10-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0720 55835 2023-029AR 2023-03-09 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0330 49108 2021-075AK 2021-08-21 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0349 49281 2021-090C 2021-10-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0639 55803 2023-029H 2023-03-09 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0181 48230 2021-031W 2021-04-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0396 50476 2021-132H 2021-12-27 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0555 56057 2023-043M 2023-03-26 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0227 48792 2021-045AB 2021-05-28 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0434 51631 2022-012K 2022-02-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0025 45138 2020-008H 2020-02-06 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0278 48996 2021-061AF 2021-07-01 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0508 54126 2022-138P 2022-10-22 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0026 45139 2020-008J 2020-02-06 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0317 49103 2021-075AE 2021-08-21 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0597 54663 2022-166X 2022-12-08 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0116 48046 2021-025E 2021-03-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0337 49203 2021-083T 2021-09-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0614 55156 2023-004S 2023-01-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0118 47264 2020-100G 2020-12-18 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0374 49300 2021-090X 2021-10-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0662 55822 2023-029AC 2023-03-09 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0111 47261 2020-100D 2020-12-18 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0420 50495 2021-132AC 2021-12-27 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0635 56076 2023-043AG 2023-03-26 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0189 48217 2021-031H 2021-04-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0474 51654 2022-012AJ 2022-02-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0677 56713 2023-068D 2023-05-20 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0229 48779 2021-045N 2021-05-28 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0526 54144 2022-138AH 2022-10-22 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0217 48245 2021-031AM 2021-04-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0265 48983 2021-061S 2021-07-01 DECAYED Unable to track
ONEWEB-0490 54113 2022-138A 2022-10-22 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0033 45142 2020-008M 2020-02-06 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0301 49090 2021-075R 2021-08-21 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0583 54650 2022-166J 2022-12-08 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0287 49077 2021-075C 2021-08-21 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0713 55175 2023-004AM 2023-01-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0036 45144 2020-008P 2020-02-06 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0320 49190 2021-083E 2021-09-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0543 55143 2023-004D 2023-01-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0157 48055 2021-025P 2021-03-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0361 49287 2021-090J 2021-10-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0645 55809 2023-029P 2023-03-09 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0197 48236 2021-031AC 2021-04-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0402 50482 2021-132P 2021-12-27 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0574 56063 2023-043T 2023-03-26 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0248 48798 2021-045AH 2021-05-28 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0443 51637 2022-012R 2022-02-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0284 49002 2021-061AM 2021-07-01 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0514 54132 2022-138V 2022-10-22 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0013 45131 2009-070S 2009-12-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0252 48970 2021-061D 2021-07-01 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0605 54669 2022-166AD 2022-12-08 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0093 45444 2020-020W 2020-03-21 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0065 45164 2020-008AK 2020-02-06 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0343 49209 2021-083Z 2021-09-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0621 55162 2023-004Y 2023-01-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0131 47277 2020-100V 2020-12-18 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0380 49306 2021-090AD 2021-10-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0669 55828 2023-029AJ 2023-03-09 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0140 47286 2020-100AE 2020-12-18 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0430 50501 2021-132AJ 2021-12-27 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0530 55796 2023-029A 2023-03-09 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0219 48223 2021-031P 2021-04-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0389 50469 2021-132A 2021-12-27 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0548 56050 2023-043E 2023-03-26 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0240 48785 2021-045U 2021-05-28 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0415 51624 2022-012C 2022-02-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0101 48049 2021-025H 2021-03-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0271 48989 2021-061Y 2021-07-01 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0501 54119 2022-138G 2022-10-22 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0164 48063 2021-025X 2021-03-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0310 49096 2021-075X 2021-08-21 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0590 54656 2022-166Q 2022-12-08 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0096 45439 2020-020R 2020-03-21 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0327 49196 2021-083L 2021-09-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0570 55149 2023-004K 2023-01-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0167 48064 2021-025Y 2021-03-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0367 49293 2021-090Q 2021-10-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0653 55815 2023-029V 2023-03-09 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0207 48242 2021-031AJ 2021-04-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0409 50488 2021-132V 2021-12-27 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0581 56069 2023-043Z 2023-03-26 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0176 48210 2021-031A 2021-04-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0451 51643 2022-012X 2022-02-10 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0679 56715 2023-068F 2023-05-20 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0242 48772 2021-045F 2021-05-28 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0520 54138 2022-138AB 2022-10-22 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0148 48059 2021-025T 2021-03-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0258 48976 2021-061K 2021-07-01 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0612 54675 2022-166AK 2022-12-08 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0047 45152 2020-008X 2020-02-06 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0294 49083 2021-075J 2021-08-21 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0528 54643 2022-166B 2022-12-08 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0158 48054 2021-025N 2021-03-25 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0351 49215 2021-083AF 2021-09-14 IN ORBIT
ONEWEB-0627 55168 2023-004AE 2023-01-10 IN ORBIT

There are too many results.
Only first 100 matches are returned.
Please change your search criteria to refine your search